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About Artis /關於我

Artis Chan (陳世光)


自幼熱愛中國功夫, 少年時在香港跟隨叔父 陳漢宗 學習洪拳及在 YWCA武術中心學習 詠春拳.

( 陳漢宗師傅 師承洪拳宗師 黃飛鴻 入室弟子 林世榮,  陳師傅曾任多屆香港中國國術總會主席, 學生遍播多個國家, 在香港國術屆響負盛名, 现任香港中國國術龍狮總會正副主席及多間武術學院主理人均是他的徒生 )


Artis 和太太Jacqueline 都是太極拳的愛好者,每日都保持練習,不斷在拳理和實習中增加對太極拳的認知,亦有鑽研健身氣功,曾参加美加等地的教練培訓和國際比賽。

Artis 是德健會的創辦人及總教練, 該會在2015年成立,經政府註册為一非弁利團體, Artis 和太太Jacqueline開始在多倫多社區推廣太極拳和健身氣功等有益身心的運動, 以服務大衆為目的.

Artis 榮獲 加拿大中國國術總會 CCKSF 邀請加入為會員 及 2018年委任為武術教練

2020年 獲邀為 CCKSF 執行委員會委員,及委員會秘書

2024年 獲CCKSF 執行委員會選為第十一届副會長

Artis 曾經參加過多屆美國、加拿大 中國等地方國際級比賽,並獲得獎項包括有 金, 銀, 銅 獎牌共13面 :


- 2012年第二屆中國山東大青山洪均生國際太極拳暨養生國際交流大賽 :


              個人項目:陳式太極拳 - 金牌  

                                 陳式太極劍 - 銅牌                    


- 2012年第一期美國纽約健身氣功美洲教練員培訓班畢業


- 2013年第二期健身氣功美洲教練員培訓班畢業


- 2013年加拿大太極公開錦標賽 ( 獲10大成績優異運動員殊榮 )


              團體項目:太極拳 -         銀牌

                                 兵器 -             銅牌

              個人項目:陳式太極拳 - 銅牌

                                 兵器 -             銅牌


- 2013年第五屆美國纽約國際健身氣功交流比賽大會健身氣功功法 及



- 2013年第五屆美國纽約國際健身氣功交流比賽大會 : 


              團體項目:易筋經 - 金牌

                                 五禽戲 - 金牌

              個人項目:易筋經 - 銀牌 

                                 八段錦 - 銅牌


- 2014年  加拿大太極公開錦標賽:


              團體項目:楊式32太極劍 -                銅牌

              個人項目:陳式太極拳     -                銀牌

                                 國際競賽套路42太極劍 - 銅牌

- 2014年     第一屆多倫多健身氣功交流比賽大會, 被邀請為大會比赛裁判

- 2014年至今   北约華人浸信會委任為太極班導師

- 2015至2019   多倫多華人基督教教會金龄薈委任為養生班及太極劍班導師


- 2015年至今   德健會 養生健身氣功班 及 太極班導師

- 2016至2021  萬民衛斯理社區中心委任為養生健身氣功班及太極劍班導師

- 2018年至今  加拿大中國國術總會CCKSF 會員及委任為武術教練

- 2018年         加拿大中國國術總會第二十八屆加拿大全國功夫大赛裁判

- 2020年至今 加拿大中國國術總會CCKSF 執行委員會委員及委員會秘書

-2024年         獲CCKSF 執行委員會選為第十一届副會長

- 2021年至今 士嘉堡華人浸信會委任為太極班導師

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Artis Chan


Artis has been addicted to Chinese martial arts. When he was young in Hong Kong he learned Hung Quan from his uncle Master Chan Hon Chung (who was student of Master Lam Sai Wing - a chief student of Hung Quan pathfinder Master Wong Fei Hung).  Artis also learned Wing Chun Quan as well. 


Artis and his wife, Jacqueline, are fascinated of Taiji Quan. They keep practicing every day, constantly increasing their knowledge of Taiji Quan in theory and cognition. They also study Health Qigong. They have participated in coach training and international competitions in the United States and Canada.

Artis is the founder and chief Instructor of Artis Wellness Organization, which was established in 2015 as a nonprofit Organization in Toronto. The mission is to serve the community by promoting Tai Chi and Health Qigong, in order to help people enhance their physical and mental health.

Artis was invited with honour to join The Canadian Chinese Kuo Shu Federation (CCKSF) in 2018 and also appointed to be the instructor in Chinese Martial Acts in Canada. In 2020, he was appointed to be the executive committee member and secretary.

Artis began learning and practicing Taiji Quan since he has improved his skills and techniques, over the years he participated in national and international competitions of Taiji and Health Qigong. He has gained totally 13 of Gold, Silver and Bronze awards and honours :



-2012 The 2nd Daqingshan Hong Junsheng International Taiji Quan Conference and Competition in China –


                                            Personal Competition:-   Chen Style Taiji Quan   – Gold Award

                                                                                           Chen Style Taiji Sword – Bronze Award


-2012 Graduate of the 1st Health Qigong Seminar for American Instructors in USA, and also obtained The Chinese Health                        Qigong Techniques and Technical degree.


-2013 Graduate of the 2nd Health Qigong Seminar for American Instructors in Toronto.


-2013 Canadian Taiji Open Championships: ( Be selected as one of the TOP TEN High Scorers Athletes )


                                             Group Competition:-      Chen Style Taiji Quan – Silver Award

                                                                                           Short Weapon – Bronze Award

                                             Personal Competition:- Chen Style Taiji Quan – Bronze Award

                                                                                           Short Weapon – Bronze Award


-2013  Graduation awarded by International Referees during the 5th International Health Qigong Tournament and Exchange in             New York, USA.


-2013 The 5th International Health Qigong Tournament and Exchange in New York, USA:


                                               Group Competition:-       Yi Jin Jing  –    Gold Award

                                                                                             Wu Qin Xi     Gold Award

                                               Personal Competition:-  Yi Jin Jing  –    Silver Award

                                                                                             Ba Duan Jin – Bronze Award


-2014 Canadian Taiji Open Championships:


                                               Group Competition:-        Yang Style 32 Taiji Sword – Bronze Award

                                               Personal Competition:-   Chen style Taiji Quan -  Silver Award

                                                                                               42 Taiji Sword Intl. Competition Form – Bronze Award

- 2014 With honour be invited as the judge of The 1st Toronto Health Qigong Tournament + Exchange

- 2014-now    Instructor of Tai Chi Classes at North York Chinese Baptist Church

- 2015-2019   Instructor of Wellness Exercise and Tai Chi Sword Classes at Toronto Christian Community Church

- 2015-now    Instructor of Health Qigong and Tai Chi Classes of Artis Wellness Organization at All Saint's Church

- 2016-2021   Instructor of Health Qigong and Tai Chi Sword Classes at Markham Wesley Centre

- 2018-now    The member of Canadian Chinese Kuo Shu Federation (CCKSF) and instructor in Chinese Martial Acts in Canada 

- 2018           The judge of 28th Annual Canadian National Kung Fu Championship 

- 2020-now           The executive committee member and secretary of Canadian Chinese Kuo Shu Federation (CCKSF)

- 2024             Vice President of Canadian Chinese Kuo Shu Federation (CCKSF)

- 2021-now          Instructor of Tai Chi Wellness Classes at Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church

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